Under compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform:

Objet. Art. 10 LSSI: and, here and below, SITES are internet domains owned by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO, S.L., with office in C/DIEGO DE LOS REYES 28,CASTILLEJA DE LA CUESTA (SEVILLA) SPAIN and CIF B91588202. The company has registered in the Mercantile Register of Sevilla, recorded in Volume 4531, page 9, entry 1ªi with sheet SE- 70 558.This Legal Notice governs the use of this domain.

The use of the websites constitutes acceptance of the User of the conditions included in this Notice. For certain services to content and / or tools offered through this "Site" requiring the application of these special conditions is available to the user. Moreover, EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. notes that both the content and services SITES and the own conditions of use may be changed without notice.

2. Terms of use. The User agrees that in the sections in which you may need to register to access them, provide true, accurate and complete information about their identity. You further agree to maintain the personal data that could be provided to the domain owner updated, therefore, solely responsible for any falsehoods or inaccuracies that make. It is reported that a minor must obtain the permission of their parents, guardians or legal representatives to access the services provided. EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L., can not be liable in the event that the data on this subject are inaccurate or false. The "site" can only be used for lawful purposes so the user is obliged to make a fair and honest use of the portal and under these Terms of Use, to not use the services of the "portal" to carry out activities contrary to Spanish law, morals and public order, by the user assuming all responsibilities for damages against the owner of the domain or third parties arising from illegal or impermissible practices and other limited enter title and non-limiting:

- Perform without prior consent from the owner of the domain any manipulation or alteration of this page, not assuming the domain owner any liability that may arise from such manipulation or alteration by third.

- Take any action that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Website and the services and / or prevent the normal use and use by Users.

- Input and / or Using computer programs, data, corrupted files, viruses, malicious code, computer or telecommunications equipment or any other, regardless of their nature as to cause damage to the Website, in any of the services or any assets (physical or logical) of information systems domain owner.

 - Violating the rights of others to privacy, self-image, data protection secrecy in communications, intellectual and industrial property.

 - Hide and disguise the origin of emails.

 - Using false identities, impersonating others in the use of the Website or use any services.

 - Reproduce, distribute, modify or copy the content of this page, unless if he has the permission of the owner of the domain or are legally authorized.

- Transmit to unauthorized parties User names and passwords.

 EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L., no liability for links (LINKS) to other websites of third parties and their existence does not mean that EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. endorses or accepts its content and services. These other websites are not controlled by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect your personal information. Make sure you are satisfied with the Privacy Policies of these web sites before providing any personal information.

In general, the owner of the domain, excludes liability for damages of any kind and nature arising from use of the website, as well as damages arising from infringement of intellectual property rights and Industrial by users and / or lack of truthfulness, accuracy, or timeliness of the content, or you may be required responsibilities for service interruption, malfunction or inability to access the service.

The domain owner is not liable for damages caused by the presence of virus or any other harmful software that can produce alterations in the computer system of the user.

 SITES, including but is not limited degree, programming, designs, logos, text and / or graphics are property of the provider or if you have a license or authorization from the authors.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, in any case requires the prior written authorization of the holder of the domain.

 The user undertakes not to take any action against the rights of intellectual property of the author. The provider expressly authorizes third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of the website, in any event should redirect to the main website of the provider.

3. Data protection. In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of Data Protection, EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. advises that the personal data of users SITES will be retained in a file owned by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. and which will be managed solely for the purpose described in each form or response. By clicking on the "SEND " button users consent to the processing of data by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO, S.L.
EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO, S.L. agrees that the personal data requested are strictly necessary to carry out the requested service. You will be informed if the obligation to provide certain information, without which it would not be possible to carry out the provision.
Similarly, EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO, S.L., as the file, undertakes to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of the personal data given to it, by adopting all necessary security measures to prevent loss, modification or access without consent unauthorized accordance with Regulation Development Data Protection Act approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December.
Also the user can at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, notifying EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO, S.L., C/ Diego de los Reyes 28, 41950 Castilleja de la Cuesta. Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11 , Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. agrees not send advertising via email without the previous authorization of the recipient. Users may choose not to receive advertising by checking the appropriate box.

4. Use of cookies. EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO, S.L., as SITES holder declares that uses automatic data collection procedures to keep the record of the users who visit their website. Click here for our policy to use cookies.

5. Applicable lagislation.

 These Terms shall be governed at all times by the provisions of Spanish legislation

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