Terms and Conditions of Sale

To place an order on the IBERIAN MARKET online store, it is essential to accept the following terms and conditions:

1. Identification

The General Conditions of Contract set out in this document apply to all commercial transactions carried out through the website www.iberianmarket.com and www.iberian.market, owned by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L., with VAT number B91588202 and registered address at C/DIEGO DE LOS REYES 28, CASTILLEJA DE LA CUESTA (SEVILLE), SPAIN.

2. Intellectual and Industrial Property

Rights related to industrial and intellectual property (including but not limited to: trademarks, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, etc., as well as the graphic design, source code, and other software elements contained on the website www.iberianmarket.com and www.iberian.market) are the property of EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. or the representative companies and manufacturers of the offered products. Therefore, they are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights protected by Spanish and international legislation. Without the prior written authorization from EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. or, where applicable, the representative or manufacturer of the product holding the rights, it is not allowed to use, reproduce, transmit, manipulate, or perform any use that exceeds normal and necessary use for visiting the website and using the services offered. Access to the supplied products does not imply on the part of EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. any waiver, transmission, or total or partial assignment of the rights arising from intellectual and industrial property, nor does it grant the right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute, or publicly communicate these contents without the prior and express written authorization of the respective owners of these rights, without prejudice to the right of viewing and obtaining a private copy of such contents for backup purposes, provided that this right is exercised in good faith and the intellectual and industrial property of the rights holder remains unchanged, is used without commercial purposes, and exclusively for the user's personal information. The responsibility derived from the use of materials protected by intellectual and industrial property rights contained on this page will correspond exclusively to the user.

3. Purpose and Activity www.iberianmarket.com is dedicated to the sale and distribution of FOOD AND BEVERAGE PRODUCTS.

4. Website Updates Related to Contracting EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. reserves the right to make modifications and updates to the products, prices, promotions, and other conditions contained on www.iberianmarket.com

EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L., to the best of its ability, ensures that the information provided on the website is accurate and free from typographical errors. In the event of any typographical error occurring, unrelated to the will of EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L., it will be promptly corrected. If a customer decides to make a purchase based on such an error, EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. will immediately inform the customer of the error, and both parties may cancel the purchase at no cost, provided that the existence of such an error is justified.

5. How to Purchase

By browsing our website, you can learn about our products by accessing our online store through the various menu categories on the homepage of our website or by directly accessing one of the product pages on the homepage.

Once on the product page, you can learn about its qualities, packaging (weight), and prices. To select the desired product (add it to your shopping cart), you must select the 'Add to Cart' option. After completing this selection, in the next step, 'Products in Your Cart,' you can review the status of your cart (selected product, reference, desired units, unit price, taxes to be added, subtotal, and total purchases) and/or modify its contents, as well as "continue shopping."

When you consider the selection process complete, proceed to the next step by completing the mandatory fields marked to process your order. In case the customer has previously registered on our portal, they can access the final stage of their purchase request by using their user ID and password. In this case, our application will automatically retrieve all previously registered data necessary to process the order. Unregistered customers must select the 'New customer' option and fill in all the necessary data to process their order. In this same step, the user can enter a username and password for future use as a registered user. In the following 'Delivery Methods' step, the customer can review all their identifying data and select one of the available shipping methods. Next, they must confirm their knowledge and acceptance of the 'General Conditions of Contract.' For a proper purchasing procedure, you must complete the 'Choose your payment method' field.

6. Payment Methods

We accept payment by credit card, debit card, bank transfer, cash on delivery, or through the PAY PAL platform.

In the case of payment by bank transfer, the purchase process will take longer, as your order will only be processed when we have confirmation of payment.

This merchant undertakes not to allow any transaction that is illegal or that is considered by credit card companies or the acquiring bank to have the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under credit card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that does not fully comply with all applicable laws to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. Furthermore, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: "Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors under 18 years old."

Order Confirmation

In the final stage of the 'Order Summary,' please check that all purchase details and other conditions are correct, and complete the purchase by selecting the 'Confirm My Order' option.

7. Shipping and Delivery. Return Policy

For more information on our shipping and delivery conditions, as well as our return policy, you can visit the following section https://www.iberianmarket.com/es/p/9-envio-y-garantia

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you have a period of 14 business days from the date of product delivery to return it (according to Article 44 of Law 7/1996, of January 15, on Retail Trade Regulation, as amended by Law 47/2002, of December 19).


If payment was made by bank transfer, the refund to the customer's account will be made as soon as possible after receiving and approving the withdrawal request by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L.

If payment was made by Credit Card, the refund will be processed to the same card.

Order Cancellation

The user can cancel the purchase process as long as it has not been fully processed. In order to ensure cancellation, it is advisable to immediately contact EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. via email at info@iberianmarket.com

8. Guarantee of Your Purchase You can find our product quality assurance policy at the following link: https://www.iberianmarket.com/es/p/9-envio-y-garantia

9. Data Protection Generalities. In accordance with Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD), customers are informed that the data provided during the purchase will be included in a file owned by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. with registered office at C/ DIEGO DE LOS REYES 28, 41950 CASTILLEJA DE LA CUESTA (SEVILLE).

This file is duly registered with the General Data Protection Register, and the purpose of data collection is to maintain the commercial and contractual relationship between both parties. Customers may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, and cancellation in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the LOPD (hereinafter RDLOPD), by written communication to the address of EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L.

Legal Scope of Using Customer Email Addresses. Customers, by registering as such and purchasing our products, will receive promotions and newsletters by email regarding new products. This service is subject to the provisions of Article 21.2 of Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, as amended by Law 32/2003, of November 3, on General Telecommunications, which authorizes the sending of commercial communications by email when there is a prior contractual relationship and similar products or services to those that were the subject of the contract are advertised. However, all commercial communications sent by EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. will be clearly identified as such with the reference "advertising" at the beginning of the message body, and EXCLUSIVAS JUAN BARRERO S.L. will be identified as the entity responsible for the sending. Each communication will provide a simple and free means for the recipient to unsubscribe from the email commercial communication system.

10. Applicable Law Commercial transactions carried out with www.iberianmarket.com and www.iberian.market are subject to Spanish law. Laws applicable to the matter: Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and Law 32/2003, of November 3, on General Telecommunications.

Law 7/96, of January 15, on Retail Trade Regulation (L.O. 2/1996, of January 15, Supplementary to Retail Trade Regulation, Law 47/2002, of December 19, amending Law 7/1996, and Law 1/2010, of March 1, amending Law 7/1996).

Law 7/1998 on General Conditions of Contracting.

Any applicable legal provisions. In case of conflict or disagreement in the interpretation or application of these General Contract Conditions, the Courts or Tribunals that have jurisdiction over the matter will be determined by the applicable regulations on jurisdiction. In the event that the buyer's domicile is outside Spain, both parties will submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Seville (Spain).

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